Last review: 14 May 2021


14 May 21 Circular

Circ. n. 287 – BLSD training course

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13 May 21 Circular

Circ. n. 286 – EPolicy path

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12 May 21 Circular

Circ. n. 285 – Calling of the GILDA-UNAMS Regional Union Assembly for teaching staff on 20-05-2021

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12 May 21 Circular

Circ. n. 284 – Calling of the ANIEF territorial trade union assembly for ATA staff of educational institutions in the Veneto on 20-05-2021.

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10 May 21 Circular

Circ. 283 - Convening of the Teachers' Board - Wednesday 19 May 2021 hours 17:30

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10 May 21 Circular

Circ. 282 – Convening of the Extraordinary Teachers' Board – Thursday, 13 may 2021 hours 17:30

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10 May 21 Circular

Circ. n. 281 – Summer school plan 2021. A bridge to the new beginning

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10 May 21 Circular

Circ. 280 – Adoption of Textbooks a. s. 2021-22

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10 May 21 Circular

Circ. n. 279 – Extension of the deadline for the completion of the upload on the web form al 28 may 2021

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7 May 21 Circular

Circ. n. 278 – Periodic and final evaluation in the intermediate classes. First and second cycle of education

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