08/09/2016 – CO. GE. S DON LORENZO MILANI: support for educational institutions
For the attention of Executive, VP and local representatives,
every year many Schools are supported by the social cooperative co. Ge.. Don Lorenzo Milani driven by different needs and intentions related to the colourful world of adolescents.
Co. Ge.. and the institutes pursue in synergy with the goal of promoting wellness in the school context, offering women opportunities for growth and development of life-skills, through:
– interventions in classes in the field of health promotion and prevention of distress;
– listening spots in school locations, addressed to the entire school;
– information meetings and training for teachers, school staff, parents.
Besides Co. Ge.. assists schools with:
– conception, management and/or project reporting (national funding announcements, Erasmus and other European funding)
– Organization and management of extracurricular activities (neighborhood centers, After-school/service reps, coaching of boys in co-school management, etc.).
The cooperative operates through a logic of community development on four big "macro systems": School, Family, Outdoors, Training and jobs.
The team in the industry “young people and health promotion” deals from 15 years of design, design and implement events, informative speeches, and educational training, of prevention, guidance (school and work) and health promotion; It also manages devices such as neighborhood centers, psycho-educational centres and advice, Open all year round.
In order to discuss possible ways of working together, We send you attached an overview of opportunities for students, teachers and parents.
the Secretariat
Secretariat Co. Ge.. Don Lorenzo Milani Cooperative Society
Viale San Marco, 172
30173 Mestre (Ve)
Tel. 041.5316403 int. 3
Fax. 041.5322415
e mail segreteriaprogetti@cogescoop.it