Last review: 4 September 2023


Dirigente Scolastico

Dr. Marialuisa Favaro

Riceve su appuntamento presso l’ufficio di Via Paganini 2/A a Mirano.

Telephone Secretariat: 041 431407


The curriculum of the head teacher is visible on the MIUR website at the page:

curriculum vitae – Manager Marialuisa Favaro

The Director General and administrative services (DILIP)

Dott.ssa Rosa Torromeo

The Dsga:

– sovrintende ai servizi Amministrativo-contabili;

– care the Organization of the Secretariat;

– draws up the acts of accountancy and finance;

– directs and organizes the work plan for all ATA personnel;

– lavora in stretta collaborazione col Dirigente affinché sia attuabile l’Offerta Formativa dell’Istituto, Depending on the financial resources available.