You publish the Circ. n. 207 – Grinding – Operational indications relating to the Trade Union Assembly of,,it,Circ.n.207-ADJUSTMENT Trade Union Assembly of 28-01-2020-Organizational indications,,it,d.ssa Silvia DEL MONTE,,it,RSU Trade Union Assembly during service hours,,it,Circ.n.207-ADJUSTMENT Trade Union Assembly of 28-01-2020-Organizational indications THE SCHOOL EXECUTIVE d.ssa Silvia DEL MONTE,,it,Operational indications relating to the Trade Union Assembly of,,it,Circ.n.207-ADJUSTMENT Trade Union Assembly of 28-01-2020-Organizational indications,,it 28.01.2020 Circ.n.207-RETTIFICA Assemblea sindacale del 28-01-2020-Indicazioni organizzative IL DIRIGENTE SCOLASTICO d.ssa Silvia DEL MONTE
It publishes circular n. 207 relativa alle indicazioni organizzative del 28-01-2020 Circ.n.207-Assemblea sindacale del 28-01-2020-Indicazioni organizzative IL DIRIGENTE SCOLASTICO Prof.ssa Silvia Del Monte
It publishes circular n. 205 relativa alle indicazioni orarie del 27-01-2020 Circ. n.205- Trade Union Assembly 27-01-2020 Indicazione orarie IL DIRIGENTE SCOLASTICO Prof.ssa Silvia Del Monte
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Circular n.196 on meetings with the members of the School canteen commissions a.s.2019-2020 Circ.n.196 - Convening meetings with the members of the school canteen commissions is published. THE SCHOOL LEADER Prof. Silvia Del Monte,it
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Sensitive content to specific groups of registered users
Sensitive content to specific groups of registered users
Sensitive content to specific groups of registered users