Last review: 19 April 2018


19 April 18 Circular

Circ.169 Sciopero del 2 and 3 maggio 2018_Primaria

You publish, per la visione ali genitori ed al personale Docente e ATA, la Circ.169 Sciopero del 2 and 3 may 2018 Primary school. IL DIRIGENTE SCOLASTICO Reggente Daniela MAZZA Circ.169 Sciopero del 2 and 3 maggio 2018_Primaria

19 April 18 Circular

Circ.168 Sciopero del 2 and 3 maggio 2018_Infanzia

You publish, for viewing to parents and Teaching and ATA staff, la Circ.168 Sciopero del 2 and 3 may 2018 Kindergarten. IL DIRIGENTE SCOLASTICO Reggente Daniela MAZZA Circ.168 Sciopero del 2 and 3 maggio 2018_Infanzia

10 April 18 Circular

Circ. 166 school Furniture. s. 2018-2019

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5 April 18 Circular

Circ. 165 April cocktail party 2018 secondary school

You publish, for the vision teachers and ATA, the Circ. 165 April cocktail party 2018. The HEADMASTER Regent Daniela MAZZA Circ. 165 April cocktail party 2018

3 April 18 Circular

Circ. 164 intersection teachers Tips 17 April 2018

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27 March 18 Circular

Circular 163 April 17_18_19 RSUS Elections 2018

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27 March 18 Circular

Circ. 162 national tests Invalsi – classes 3 Lower secondary school 1 degree

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21 March 18 Circular

Circular 161 Assembly of 26 March 2018_Note organizers

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20 March 18 Circular

Circ. 160 Project – Orchestra for all

You publish, to open to parents of pupils of secondary school, the Circ. 160 Project – Orchestra for all. The HEADMASTER Regent Daniela MAZZA Circ. 160 Project – Orchestra for all

19 March 18 Circular

Circ. 159 Trade Union of Assembly 26-03-18

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