Last review: 9 March 2018


9 March 18 Circular

Circ. 148 Assembly of 16 March 2018_Note organizers

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8 March 18 Circular

Publication of the minutes of the Board of professors of 16/01/2018

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7 March 18 Circular

Circ. 146 matches for Orientation students grade 7

You publish, to open to parents and teachers and ATA 2 ^ class of secondary school, the Circ. 146 matches for students grade 7 Orientation. The HEADMASTER Regent Daniela MAZZA Circ. 146 grade 7 Orientation

7 March 18 Circular

UPS Meeting childhood 145-primary circular No. 4 April 2018

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6 March 18 Circular

Circular 144 Recovery digital training Lesson

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6 March 18 Circular

Circ. secondary Pupils Cross 143 17-18

You publish, to open to parents and teachers and ATA from secondary school, the Circ. 143 secondary cross country Alumni 17-18. The HEADMASTER Regent secondary cross country Alumni 143 Daniela MAZZA Circ. 17-18

6 March 18 Circular

Circ. 142 Primary cross country Alumni 17-18

You publish, to open to parents and primary school teachers and ATA, the Circ. 142 Primary cross country Alumni 17-18. The HEADMASTER Regent Daniela MAZZA Circ. 142 Primary cross country Alumni 17-18

1 March 18 Circular

141 internal training course. – prof.ssa Zaeim

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1 March 18 Circular

Circ. 140 strike 8 March 2018_scuola of infancy

You publish, per la visione ai genitori ed al personale docente e ATA della scuola dell’Infanzia, la Circ.140 Sciopero del 8 March 2018 Kindergarten. THE SCHOOL DIRECTOR Regent Daniela MAZZA Circ. 140 Strike of the,,it,THE SCHOOL EXECUTIVE Regent Daniela MAZZA Circ. 139 Strike of the,,it 8 March 2018_Childhood

1 March 18 Circular

Circ. 139 strike 8 March Primary 2018_Scuola

You publish, per la visione ai genitori ed al personale Docente e ATA della scuola primaria, la Circ.139 Sciopero del 8 March Primary 2018_Scuola. IL DIRIGENTE SCOLASTICO Reggente Daniela MAZZA Circ.139 Sciopero del 8 March 2018_Primary