Last review: 4 September 2017


4 September 17 Circular

Circ.01 Insurance infortuni_RC

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29 August 17 Circular

Circ. 309 Teachers College of 4 September 2017

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3 July 17 Circular

03/07/2017 – Publication of the minutes of the teaching of 22/06/2017

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28 June 17 Circular

28/06/2017 – Publication improvement plan

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27 June 17 Circular

Circ. # 307 September training course 2017

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27 June 17 Circular

Circular # 306 teachers college 1 September 2017

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27 June 17 Circular

Circ. N. 305 State exam papers 2016-17

You publish, to open to parents of pupils of lower secondary school degree, and teachers and ATA, the Circ. 305 Documents State exam 2016-17. The headmaster Regent Bertilla MASON Circ. 305 Documents State exam 2016-17

27 June 17 Circular

Circ. n. 304 Childhood schedule 29 and 30 June

You publish, to open to parents and teachers and ATA, the Circ. 304 childhood Schedule 29 and 30 June, The headmaster Regent Bertilla MASON Circ. 304 childhood Schedule 29 and 30 June

9 June 17 Circular

Circular # 302 teachers college 22 June 2017

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9 June 17 Circular

Circular No. 301 primary-secondary continuity Correction

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