Last review: 7 November 2016


7 November 16 Circular

Circular No 90 solidarity project – “Avis-Game”

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5 November 16 Circular

Circ. n. 89 – Orientation – Update

You publish the circ. n. 89 for Orientation – Aggiornamento attività Il Dirigente Scolastico Reggente Bertilla Mason Circ. n. 89 Orientation-updated activities

5 November 16 Circular

Circ. n. 88 – Permits for the right to education 2017

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3 November 16 Circular

Circular No. 87 Convocation Department of Letters

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3 November 16 Circular

Circular Build 86 P.D. P. 2016/17

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3 November 16 Circular

Circular No 85 Strike organized Union ANIEF for 14 11 2016

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3 November 16 Circular

Circ. # 84 adjustment to o.d. g. the Faculty of 08/11/16

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2 November 16 Circular

Circular 82 Convening boards of secondary school class

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2 November 16 Circular

Circular No. 81 Calendar Christmas Concert orchestra and tests

You publish, for watching parents, the Faculty and staff ATA, the Circ. 81 Calendar orchestra rehearsals and Christmas concert. The headmaster Regent Bertilla MASON Circ. 81 tests of orchestra and Christmas concert

31 October 16 Circular

Circ. 80 Continuity classes 5 on a visit to secondary primary school

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