Last review: 11 October 2023


11 October 23 Circular

Circ. n. 40 – Calling of Intersection Councils a.s 2023-2024

The Circ is sent. n.40 per la convocazione dei Consigli di Intersezione a.s 2023-2024 Circ. n. 40 – Calling of Intersection Councils a.s 2023-2024 SCHOOL HEADMAN Regent MariaLuisa FAVARO

11 October 23 Circular

Circ. n. 39 – Convocazione riunione di staff 2023/24

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10 October 23 Circular

Circ. n. 38 – Bozza verbale Collegio 11 September 2023

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9 October 23 Circular

Circ. n.37MEMO PROROGA ISCRIZIONI presentazione del Catalogo delle attività educative e di formazione dell’Area 10 History – Monday 09 October 2023

Si trasmette in allegato circ. n.37 per proroga iscrizioni conferenza di presentazione catalogo attivitaeducative e di formazione area 10 PROROGA DIRIGENTE SCOLASTICO Reggente MariaLuisa FAVARO

6 October 23 Circular

Circ. n.36 – Student supervision for the 2023-2024 school year

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5 October 23 Circular

Circ. # 35 – Presentation conference of the Catalog of educational and training activities

Si trasmette Circ. n.35 concerning the Conference for the presentation of the Catalog of educational and training activities Circ. # 35 – conference for catalog of educational and training activities SCHOOL HEADMAN Regent MariaLuisa FAVARO

3 October 23 Circular

Circ. n.34 – Convening of Class Councils at lower secondary schools – October 2023 for parents

The circular is sent. n.34 regarding Class Council Meeting at lower secondary school – October 2023 Circ. n.34 – Convening of Class Councils at lower secondary schools – October 2023 SCHOOL HEADMAN Regent MariaLuisa FAVARO

3 October 23 Circular

Circ n.33 – Convening of Class Councils at lower secondary schools – October 2023

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3 October 23 Circular

Circ. n. 32 – SCHOOL BUSINESS A.S. 2023/2024 Establishment of the School Canteen Commission and regulation of visits, of checks and diets

The circular in question is transmitted Circ. n. 32 – SCHOOL BUSINESS A.S. 20232024 Establishment of the School Canteen Commission and regulation of visits, of checks and diets SCHOOL HEADMAN Regent MariaLuisa FAVARO

2 October 23 Circular

Circ. n.31 – Strike organisation 6 October 2023

The circular for the strike is sent 6 October 2023 Circ. n.31 Organization of the strike 6 October around 31 all 1 Sisa card 6 October SCHOOL HEADMAN Regent MariaLuisa FAVARO