Last review: 4 April 2016


2 April 16 Circular

Circ. 185 – Supernumerary discovery a.s.. 2016/2017

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22 March 16 Circular

Circ. n. 180 – ATA staff contest notices

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22 March 16 Circular

Circ. n. 179 – Referendum 17 April 2016

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11 March 16 Circular

Circ. n. 168 – Short schedule permits

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19 February 16 Circular

Circ. # 153-aptitude tests for admission to courses musical a.s.. 2016/2017

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18 February 16 Circular

Circ. 152 – Aptitude tests for admission to courses musical for Wednesday’ 24/02/2016

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18 February 16 Circular

Circ. 151 – Trade Union Assembly GILDA-UNAMS Teachers

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18 February 16 Circular

Circ. n. 150 – Instances of part-time teaching staff, educational and ATA

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13 February 16 Circular

Circ. n. 145 – Trade Union Assembly during working hours staff ATA

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12 February 16 Circular

Circ. n- 143 – Theatrical representation of 19 February 2016

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