Last review: 23 September 2023


22 September 23 Circular

Circ. n.20 Delivery of personal booklet for lower secondary school students (RETTIFICA)

The circular is sent. n.20 for collecting personal passbooks for Secondary First Grade Circ. n.20 Delivery of personal booklet for lower secondary school students (RETTIFICA) SCHOOL HEADMAN Regent MariaLuisa FAVARO

22 September 23 Circular

Circ. n.19 Deleghe per uscite anticipate

Si trasmette la circolare n.19 inerente le deleghe per uscite anticipate. Circ n.19 DELEGHE DIRIGENTE SCOLASTICA Reggente MariaLuisa FAVARO

21 September 23 Circular


Si trasmette comunicazione per trasporto scolastico per lo sciopero del 25 September 2023 PROT 7831 SCHOOL HEADMAN Regent MariaLuisa FAVARO

21 September 23 Circular

Circ. n. 18 Pagamento assicurazione personale 2023/24

The circular is sent. n.18 inerente il pagamento assicurazione personale per l’anno scolastico in corso 2023/24. Circ. n. 18- Pagamento assicurazione personale a.s. 2023 2024 SCHOOL HEADMAN Regent MariaLuisa FAVARO

20 September 23 Circular

Circ. n. 17 – Guided tours 23_24

Circular no. 17 regarding guided tours is transmitted 2023/2024 with related attachments Circular. n. 17 – Guided tours 23_24 docx Annex-A Circ.n.17 - Consent-of-families Annex-B-Circ.n.17 Summary-Prospectus-Educational-Outings Annex-C-Circ n.17 list-of-companions-names Att.-D-Circ.n.17 Request-authentic-guided-tour-with-railway-transport Att.-E-Circ. n,17 Exit on foot. Att.-F-Circ.n.17 Teaching-exit-report SCHOOL HEADREGENT MariaLuisa FAVARO

20 September 23 Circular

Circ. n. 16 – Presentation-projects-a.s.-2023-2024-and-interventions

The Circ is sent. n.16 concerning the presentation of school year projects. 2023-24 con relativi allegati. Circ. n. 16 – Presentation-projects-a.s.-2023-2024-and-interventions-est. (2) All_1_Project-sheet_22_23-1-1 (2) All_2_-Register-of-attendance-and-activities-1 (1) All_3_-Final-report-1 All.-4-Free_external_expert_-_Program_sheet-2-1-3-2 (1) Attachment-5-Substitute_declaration_of_certifications_absence_of_convictions_art_25_bis_Legislative Decree_39-2014_external_experts-1-2-1-1-1 (1) Attachment-6-Free_external_expert_-_Personal_declaration-2-2-1-1-1 (1) SCHOOL HEADMAN Regent MariaLuisa FAVARO

19 September 23 Circular


The circular regarding the Strike of the is transmitted 25 September 2023 – C.S.L.E. Circ. n.15 – Strike organisation 25 September Circ.15 information sheet SCHOOL HEADMAN Regent MariaLuisa FAVARO

15 September 23 Circular

Circ. n.14 – The strike 25 September 2023 – C.S.L.E

Sensitive content to specific groups of registered users

12 September 23 Circular

Circ. n. 13 – First day of First Secondary classes at Da Vinci headquarters

The circular relating to the first day of the First Secondary Classes - Da Vinci School is published The Headmaster Regent Marialuisa FAVARO Circ. n. 13 – First day of First Secondary classes at Da Vinci headquarters

12 September 23 Circular

Circ. n. 12 – First day of First Secondary classes – Scaltenigo Complex

The circular relating to the first day of First Secondary Classes is published – Scaltenigo Plexus The Headmaster Regent Marialuisa FAVARO Circ. n. 12 – First day of First Secondary classes – Scaltenigo Complex