Last review: 22 June 2023


22 June 23 Circular

Circ. n. 249 – Integration of the Faculty Board 29 June 2023

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22 June 23 Circular

Circ. n. 248 – Announcement of the CGIL trade union meeting – 28 June.

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21 June 23 Circular

Circ. n. 247 – Teachers College – 29 June 2023.

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20 June 23 Circular

Circ. n. 246 – Announcement of the UIL SCUOLA trade union meeting – 29 June 2023

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14 June 23 Circular

Circ. n. 245 – Proclamation of public mourning

The circular relating to Circ. n. 245 – Proclamation of public mourning. Circ. n. 245 – Proclamation of citizen mourning citizen mourning (1) THE SCHOOL DIRECTOR Daniela MAZZA

13 June 23 Circular

Circ. n. 244 – Coupons for Books a.s. 2023-2024

Si pubblica la circolare relativa alle Cedole per Libri a.s. 2023-2024. Circ. n. 244 – Coupons for Books a.s. 2023-2024 THE SCHOOL DIRECTOR Daniela MAZZA

13 June 23 Circular

Circ. n. 243 – Admission to the state exam and publication of the final assessment document a.s. 2022-2023

Si pubblica la circolare relativa all’Ammissione all’esame di Stato e pubblicazione documento di valutazione finale a.s. 2022-2023. Circ. n. 243- The circular relating to the publication of the evaluation document a.s is published. 2022-2023 THE SCHOOL DIRECTOR Daniela MAZZA

9 June 23 Circular

Circ. n. 242 – Convocation of GLI of the Institute for the academic year 2022-2023

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6 June 23 Circular

Circ. n. 241 – Voluntary contribution A.S. 2023/2024 and Reporting A.S. 2022/2023

Si pubblica la circolare relativa al Contributo volontario A.S. 2023/2024 and Reporting A.S. 2022/2023. Circ. n. 241 – Contributo volontario_23_24 IL DIRIGENTE SCOLASTICO Daniela MAZZA

6 June 23 Circular

Circ. n. 240 – Last day of school 9 June 2023

Si pubblica la circolare relativa alle indicazioni per l’uscita ultimo giorno di scuola 9 June 2023. Circ. n. 240 – Last day of school – 9 June 2023 THE SCHOOL DIRECTOR Daniela MAZZA