Last review: 8 May 2023


8 May 23 Circular

Circ. n. 219 – Conference “Problem behaviors: to observe, understand, face together".

The circular relating to the conference “Problem behaviors: to observe, understand, face together". Circ. n. 219 – I.C. conference. of Noale _ Poster 13 May _stamp_stamp_Conference invitation Problem behavior THE SCHOOL HEADMASTER Daniela MAZZA

8 May 23 Circular

Circ. n. 218 – ANIEF – Convocation of the National TEACHERS' Assembly – 22 may 2023

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8 May 23 Circular

Circ. n. 217 – Memorial Football Tournament

The circular relating to the commemorative tournament in Zelarino is published. Circ. n. 217 – Commemoration to Zelarino THE SCHOOL MANAGER Daniela MAZZA

4 May 23 Circular

Circ. n. 216 – UIL Assembly- CGIL-CISL Monday 08 may 2023

The circular relating to the Uil-Cgil-Cisl assembly is published on Monday 8 may 2023 Circ. n. 216 – Indications for the UIL-CISL-CGIL assembly 8 May THE SCHOOL MANAGER Daniela MAZZA

4 May 23 Circular

Circ. n. 215 – Convocation Intersection tips 9 may 2023

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4 May 23 Circular

Circ. n. 214 – Convening of Interclass Councils on Tuesday 9 may 2023

The circular relating to the convocation of the interclass councils for Tuesday is published 9 may 2023. Circ. n. 214 – Convening of Interclass Councils on Tuesday 9 may 2023 All.1 – Nota Ministeriale n. 8393 of 13 March 2023 All.2 – Report template for new textbook adoptions Annex 3 – Minutes of the adoption of books of »

3 May 23 Circular

Circ. n. 212 – convening of the Uil-Cisl-Cgil trade union meeting

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2 May 23 Circular

Circ. n. 211 – ATA summer holidays 2023

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2 May 23 Circular

Circ. n. 210 – Convocazione Collegio dei Docenti unitario

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28 April 23 Circular

Circ. n. 209 – Prescrutini Secondary School 1st grade

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