Last review: 1 September 2022


1 September 22 Circular

Circ. n. 2 – Parent-teacher meeting of the Primary Primary School classes a.s. 2022-2023

The circular for the parents-teachers meeting of the Primary School Primary Schools is published. 2022-2023. Circ. n. 2 – Parent-teacher meeting of the Primary Primary School classes a.s. 2022-2023 THE SCHOOL DIRECTOR Daniela MAZZA

1 September 22 Circular

Circ. n. 1 – Authorization for pupils to leave independently

The circular relating to the Autonomy exit of the years is published. n. 1 – Exit-in-autonomy-pupils-pupils

31 August 22 Circular

Circ. n. 338 – Informative meetings with the families a.s. 2022-2023

The circular relating to the information meetings Scuola Infanzia a.s is published. 2022-23. Circ. n. 338 – Parents' meeting Childhood_22 THE SCHOOL DIRECTOR Daniela MAZZA

26 August 22 Circular

Circ. n. 337 – Political elections on Sunday 25 September 2022- Availability of school premises to be used as a polling station.

The circular relating to the Political Elections of 25 September. Circ. n. 337 – Political elections on Sunday 25 September 2022 THE SCHOOL DIRECTOR Daniela MAZZA

25 August 22 Circular

Circ. n. 336 – Draft annual plan. 2022-2023

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25 August 22 Circular

Circ. n. 335 – Call for strike from 8-09 at 10-09-2022 called the Trade Union Association F.I.S.I.

The circular relating to the strike called by the Trade Union Association F.i.s.i is published. Circ. n. 335 – Signs Strike school staff 8-09 at 10-09 Note Miur 71224 of 25.08.2022 Fisi general strike 8 – 10 September 2022 THE SCHOOL DIRECTOR Daniela MAZZA

9 August 22 Circular

Circ. n. 334 – integration point on the agenda Unitary teaching staff of the 9 September 2022.

Circ. n. 334 – College 9 September_22_integration (1) THE SCHOOL DIRECTOR Daniela MAZZA

3 August 22 Circular

Circ. n. 333 – new publication of the verbal draft of the Teaching Body of 28 June 2022

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3 August 22 Circular

Circ. n. 332 – Regional contribution "Voucher-Books and alternative educational content"

Circ. n. 332 – Regional contribution "Voucher-Books and alternative educational content" THE SCHOOL MANAGER Daniela MAZZA

28 July 22 Circular

Circ.n.331 – Minutes of the Board of Professors of the 28 June 2022.

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