Last review: 3 June 2017


19 May 17 Circular

Circular # 278 networked Communication Pago

You publish, to open to parents and teachers and ATA, the Circ. 278 Communication “Pago on the net”. The headmaster Regent Bertilla MASON Circ. 278 Communication Pago on the net

17 May 17 Circular

Circular No 275 Guitar Recital 22 may

You publish, to open to concerned parents and teachers and ATA, the Circ. 275 Guitar Recital 22 may. The headmaster Regent Bertilla MASON Circ. 275 Wise guitar 22 may

6 May 17 Circular

Circ. n. 265 Sports Festival in Mirano

You publish the circ. n. 265 on the sports festival in Mirano (Ve) Il Dirigente Scolastico Reggente Bertilla Mason Circ.n.265 Festa dello Sport

3 May 17 Circular

Circular 262 Questionnaire for parents

You publish, for watching parents, the Circ. 262 Questionnaire for parents, on the level of inclusiveness. The headmaster Regent Bertilla MASON Circ. 262 Compiling questionnaire for parents

2 May 17 Circular

Circular # 261 Communication Exchange residence students

You publish, for parents of the Institute, the Circ. 261 Communication Exchange residence students. The headmaster Regent Bertilla MASON Circ. 261 Communication Exchange residence students

2 May 17 Circular

Circ. n. 259 recovery course Italian 5 may 2017

You publish, for concerned parents and staff ATA visioneai, the Circ. 259 recovery course Italian 5 may 2017. The headmaster Regent Bertilla MASON Circ. 259 Italian recovery Course 5 may 2017

27 April 17 Circular

Circular # 256 Integration circ. 253

You publish, to open to parents of pupils of the course of music, the Circ. 256: Integration circ. 253. The headmaster Regent Bertilla MASON Circ. 256 Integration circ. 253

26 April 17 Circular

Circular # 253 music day – Return day

You publish, to open to parents of pupils of musical courses , teachers and ATA, the Circ. 253 music day: return day. The headmaster Regent Bertilla MASON Circ. 253 Evidence music day

26 April 17 Circular

Circular # 252 Recovery lessons in Italian

You publish, for parents of students in tr, the Circ. 252 Recovery lessons in Italian. The headmaster Regent Bertilla MASON Circ. 252 Recovery lessons in Italian

21 April 17 Circular

Circular # 245 Suspension flute lessons

You publish, to open to the parents concerned, the Circ. # 245 Suspension flute lessons. The headmaster Regent Bertilla MASON Circ. 245 Suspension flute lessons