Last review: 31 March 2017

ATA Staff

31 March 17 Circular

Circular # 237 matches schedule continuity Childhood-primary

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31 March 17 Circular

Circ. n. 236 Remedial courses Italian Secondary School

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29 March 17 Circular

Circular # 235 Strike catering on 31 March 2017

You publish, to open to parents and teachers and ATA, the Circ. 235 Strike catering on 31/03/2017. The headmaster Regent Bertilla MASON Circ. 235 Strike of foodservice

28 March 17 Circular

Circular # 234 Annulment Convocation teachers LS

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24 March 17 Circular

Circular No. 233 strike 30-03-17 Operational guidelines

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24 March 17 Circular

Circular # 232.232 foreign language faculty Convocation

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23 March 17 Circular

Circ. 231 Musical Engagements – Evidence – Concerts – Students ' essays to musical

You publish, for parents of pupils attending musical classes, and teachers and ATA, the Circ. 231 Musical Engagements College Alumni. The headmaster Regent Bertilla MASON Circ. 231 Musical Engagements College Alumni

23 March 17 Circular

Circular # 230 Assembly FLC-ICYL of 30-3-17 Organizational guidance

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22 March 17 Circular

Circular # 229 general strike-fund school USB 30-03-2017

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18 March 17 Circular

Circ. n. 228 Interviews with families of primary school

You publish, to open to parents of pupils of primary school teachers and ATA, the Circ. 228-interviews with families of primary school. The headmaster Regent Bertilla MASON Circ. 228 discussions with families primary school