Last review: 14 September 2016

ATA Staff

12 September 16 Circular

Circ. # 11 – List coordinators and Secretaries of class, secondary school

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12 September 16 Circular

Circular # 10- Weekly coordination of primary school teachers

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12 September 16 Circular

12/09/2016- Circ.09 Surveillance during intermission sc. secondary

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10 September 16 Circular

10/09/2016-Circ.07 Educational trip to Munich

You publish the circ. 07 on the educational journey in Munich. The Headmaster Regent Willie Mason Circ.07_ Trip to Munich

8 September 16 Circular

08/09/2016 – Circ. n. 06 strike called by SAESE

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6 September 16 Circular

06/09/2016 – Circ. n. 05 ATA staff meeting

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6 June 16 Circular

Circ. 237 – Allowance for household 01_07_2016

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12 May 16 Circular

Circ. n. 219 – Trade Union Assembly unit 19 may 2016

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12 April 16 Circular

Circ. n. 193 – Convocation extraordinary Board of class III B

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22 March 16 Circular

Circ. n. 180 – ATA staff contest notices

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