Last review: 11 October 2023

ATA Staff

11 October 23 Circular

Circ. n. 39 – Convocazione riunione di staff 2023/24

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21 September 23 Circular

Circ. n. 18 Pagamento assicurazione personale 2023/24

The circular is sent. n.18 inerente il pagamento assicurazione personale per l’anno scolastico in corso 2023/24. Circ. n. 18- Pagamento assicurazione personale a.s. 2023 2024 SCHOOL HEADMAN Regent MariaLuisa FAVARO

20 September 23 Circular

Circ. n. 17 – Guided tours 23_24

Circular no. 17 regarding guided tours is transmitted 2023/2024 with related attachments Circular. n. 17 – Guided tours 23_24 docx Annex-A Circ.n.17 - Consent-of-families Annex-B-Circ.n.17 Summary-Prospectus-Educational-Outings Annex-C-Circ n.17 list-of-companions-names Att.-D-Circ.n.17 Request-authentic-guided-tour-with-railway-transport Att.-E-Circ. n,17 Exit on foot. Att.-F-Circ.n.17 Teaching-exit-report SCHOOL HEADREGENT MariaLuisa FAVARO

20 September 23 Circular

Circ. n. 16 – Presentation-projects-a.s.-2023-2024-and-interventions

The Circ is sent. n.16 concerning the presentation of school year projects. 2023-24 con relativi allegati. Circ. n. 16 – Presentation-projects-a.s.-2023-2024-and-interventions-est. (2) All_1_Project-sheet_22_23-1-1 (2) All_2_-Register-of-attendance-and-activities-1 (1) All_3_-Final-report-1 All.-4-Free_external_expert_-_Program_sheet-2-1-3-2 (1) Attachment-5-Substitute_declaration_of_certifications_absence_of_convictions_art_25_bis_Legislative Decree_39-2014_external_experts-1-2-1-1-1 (1) Attachment-6-Free_external_expert_-_Personal_declaration-2-2-1-1-1 (1) SCHOOL HEADMAN Regent MariaLuisa FAVARO

19 September 23 Circular


The circular regarding the Strike of the is transmitted 25 September 2023 – C.S.L.E. Circ. n.15 – Strike organisation 25 September Circ.15 information sheet SCHOOL HEADMAN Regent MariaLuisa FAVARO

15 September 23 Circular

Circ. n.14 – The strike 25 September 2023 – C.S.L.E

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8 September 23 Circular

Circ. n. 8 – Passing of information on students in the first grades of secondary school

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8 September 23 Circular

Circ. n. 7 – Personal injury obligations 2023-2024

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7 July 23 Circular

Circ. n. 251 – Welcoming Pupils first days of lessons and timetable adjustments for the school year. 2023/2024

The circular relating to the reception of pupils on the first days of lessons and adjustments to the school hours is published. 2023-24 Circ. n. 251 – Welcoming pupils first days of school a.s. 23-24 THE SCHOOL DIRECTOR Daniela MAZZA

4 May 23 Circular

Circ. n. 216 – UIL Assembly- CGIL-CISL Monday 08 may 2023

The circular relating to the Uil-Cgil-Cisl assembly is published on Monday 8 may 2023 Circ. n. 216 – Indications for the UIL-CISL-CGIL assembly 8 May THE SCHOOL MANAGER Daniela MAZZA