Last review: 28 March 2022

ATA Staff

28 March 22 Circular

Circ. n. 249 – relating to the suspension of educational activities for the Easter holidays a.s

You publish the circ. 249 relating to the suspension of educational activities for the Easter holidays a.s. 2021-2022 Circ. n. 249 – relating to the suspension of educational activities for the Easter holidays a.s

28 March 22 Circular

Circ. n. 248 – n.248 _Adjustment Assembly instructions 01_04_2022 1/04/2022

You publish the circ. n. 248 relating to the RECTIFICATION OF THE SHAREHOLDERS 'MEETING OF 01.04.2022 Circ. relating to the RECTIFICATION OF THE SHAREHOLDERS 'MEETING OF

24 March 22 Circular


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23 March 22 Circular

Circ. n. 244 – Destination 5 The circular relating to the destination of the

The circular relating to the destination of the 5 The circular relating to the destination of the. n. 244 – Destination 5 The circular relating to the destination of the

23 March 22 Circular

Circ. n. 243 – Call for the UNAMS Guild Union Assembly 1 April 2022

Si pubblica la circolare relativa all’Assemblea Sindacale Gilda Unams per 1 April 2022 Circ. n. 243 _Indizione Assemblea Sindacale GILDA UNAMS Richiesta-partecipazione-assemblea-sindacale IL DIRIGENTE SCOLASTICO Daniela MAZZA

16 March 22 Circular

Circ. n. 233 _ Strike indications 25 March 2022

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15 March 22 Circular

Circ. n. 231 _Indication of the CISL Statutory Assembly

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10 March 22 Circular

Circ. n. 227The circular relating to the Kangourou games is published. The circular relating to the Kangourou games is published 17 MARCH 2022.

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9 March 22 Circular

Circ. n. 225 _Availability of trainee tutors

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4 March 22 Circular

Circ. n. 224 _ Compilation of the Teachers and Ata card for the identification of any supernumeraries for the a. s. 2022/2023 e segnalazione variazioni entro il 15/03/2022

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