Last review: 2 July 2024
Istituto Comprensivo "G. G" - Aim (VE) > Indicators of timeliness of payments

Indicators of timeliness of payments

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Normative References

Dlgs 33/2013 – Article 33 – Publication requirements relating to payment of administrative time
1. Public administrations publish, on an annual basis, an indicator of its average time of payment for the purchase of goods, services and supplies, called: «timeliness of payments indicator».

Timeliness of payments index
The DPCM 22 September 2014 (ARTS. 9/10) specify how to calculate the indicator of timeliness of payments defined in terms of the average payment delay weighted by the amount of the invoices, so the same calculation is performed by inserting:
– The Numerator: the sum of the amount of each invoice paid in the reporting period multiplied by the actual days between the due date of the invoice and the date of payment to providers (put a negative value in cases where payment is made in advance of the due date of the invoice);
– the denominator: the sum of the amounts of all invoices paid during the reference period.
The result of this operation shows the average delay of payments with respect to the expiry of the relevant invoices (in days). The index is a negative number when paying on average occurred in advance of the due date of bills and positive otherwise;
Obviously, being a weighted average, in determining the timeliness of payments indicator will have more weight the higher bills. To simplify and speed up the determination of the index you can then ignore the Bills with lower amounts without creating a significant deviation from the actual value.
The indicator should be calculated on a quarterly basis and on an annual basis, following the year 2015, and should be published on the corporate website in the section "administration/management Payments/timeliness of payments indicator".
The quarterly indicator shall be published within 30 days after the end of each quarter and within the annual 31 January of the following year.

Table of indicators timeliness of payments

01-07-2024 Debt monitoring SECOND QUARTER 2024

01-07-2024 Indicators of average payment times II QUARTER 2024

09-04-2024 Debt monitoring I QUARTER 2024

09-04-2024 Indicators of average payment times 1st QUARTER 2024

11-01-2024 ANNUAL debt monitoring 2023

11-01-2024 Average payment times indicators Year 2023

11-01-2024 IV QUARTER debt monitoring 2023

11-01-2024 Indicators of average payment times IV QUARTER 2023

11-10-2023 Debt monitoring III QUARTER 2023

12-10-2023 Indicators of average payment times III QUARTER 2023

10-07-2023 Debt monitoring SECOND QUARTER 2023

10-07-2023 Indicators of average payment times II QUARTER 2023

12-04-2023 Debt monitoring I QUARTER 2023

12-04-2023 Indicators of average payment times 1st QUARTER 2023

09-01-2023 Average payment times indicators Year 2022

09-01-2023 Average payment times indicators IV QUARTER 2022

10-10-2022 Average payment times indicators III QUARTER 2022

06-07-2022 Indicatori tempi medi di pagamento II TRIMESTRE 2022

06-04-2022 Indicators average time of payment for 1st quarter 2022

04-01-2022 Average payment times indicators Year 2021

04-01-2022 Indicators average time of payment 4TH QUARTER 2021

01-10-2021 Average payment times indicators III QUARTER,,it,Average payment times indicators II QUARTER,,it 2021

30-06-2021 Indicatori tempi medi di pagamento II TRIMESTRE 2021

31-03-2021 Indicators average time of payment for 1st quarter 2021

31-12-2020 – Average payment times per year 2020

31-12-2020 Indicators average time of payment 4TH QUARTER 2020

30-09-2020 Average payment times indicators III QUARTER,,it,Average payment times indicators II QUARTER,,it 2020

30-06-2020 Indicatori tempi medi di pagamento II TRIMESTRE 2020

31-03-2020 Indicators average time of payment for 1st quarter 2020

02/04/2019 Indicators average time of payment for 1st quarter 2019

02-07-2018 Indicator average time of payment 2 quarter 2018

02-01-2018 Indicator average time of payment 1 quarter 2018

03/01/2018 – Indicator average time of payment year 2017

03/01/2018 – Iv Quarter – Indicators average time of payment 4TH QUARTER 2017


04/07/2017 – Indicators average time of payment 2 quarter 2017

04/07/2017 – Indicator average time of payment 1 quarter 2017

04/01/2017 – Indicators average time of payment YEAR 2016

30/12/2016 – Indicator average time of payment 4 ^ QUARTER 2016

04/10/2016 – Indicators average time of payment 3 ^ QUARTER 2016

30/06/2016 – Indicator average time ^ 2 QUARTER payment 2016

06/04/2016 – Indicator average time 1 payment ^ QUARTER 2016

29/12/2015 – Indicator average time of YEAR payment 2015

29/12/2015 – Theindicator average time of payment 4 ^ QUARTER 2015

13/10/2015 – Indicator average time of payment 3 ^ QUARTER 2015

02/07/2015 – Indicator average time ^ 2 QUARTER payment 2015

29/04/2015 – Indicator average time 1 payment ^ QUARTER 2015

30/01/2015 – Time indicator medium of payment YEAR 2014